Photo by Joey Delahunty
New Hub space opens in KLC
As a part of Prospect’s sweeping summer renovations, a new collaborative workspace known as “the Hub” has been added to the KLC. According to Technology Assistants Alison McLaughlin and Marc Episcope, the space was envisioned as a central location for students and staff to work and collaborate.
The room features cushioned chairs and four Apple TVs, as well as high rise tables and chairs. According to McLaughlin, the modern and semi-casual design of the room was meant to evoke an “Apple Store vibe” in contrast to a more standard academic space. The room is also planned to feature charging stations for students’ iPads.
“You can come down here with a small group and use the Apple TVs, or you can just hang out on your lunch break. That’s pretty much the vision,” Episcope said.
Additionally, the Hub also functions as a new version of the Technology Help Desk, where students and staff can come for technology related problems. However, McLaughlin hopes the Hub will be more social than the Help Desk was.
“It’s intended to be a little more friendly, a little bit more interactive,” McLaughlin said.
The Hub takes the room that was formerly Lab Room F, near the entrance of the KLC. According to McLaughlin, the room seems to have quickly gained popularity.
“We hope people utilize the space. It’s a nice space, it’s already been really busy,” McLaughlin said.