Vicki Poulos

Q: How long have you been working at Prospect?

A: “15 years.”

Q: What is your job here at Prospect?

A: “Bookkeeper and Student Activities Assistant.”

Q: What has been the best part of working here at Prospect?

A: “The connection I’ve made with staff. Even though we come here to work everyday, I’ve never felt it a drudgery. I’ve done a lot of laughing during the day, so it’s been a really fun ride.”

Q: What do you plan to do after you leave Prospect?

A: “I am going to London and Ireland with my daughter, and I have a granddaughter who I hope to spend time with and just enjoy life. I want to come back and help with AP testing as well.”

Q: What is your advice for kids as they navigate high school?

A: “Say yes. Sometimes teenagers are focused on what people will think, but you should just say yes. Do what you’re interested in because it’s a big wide world and you never know what window will open up for you.”

Q: What is something interesting about you that not many people know?

A: “I went skydiving. I enjoyed it a lot… after I screamed for a little bit. But then I just thought ‘this is awesome’.”

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