Prospect’s Got Talent [PGT] is an annual variety show that is back for another year of homecoming tradition.
The show will be hosted this Tuesday [9/19] in the Prospect theater. Tickets are on sale for $5 for students and $10 for adults. Ticket sales help fundraise for Prospect’s very own Speech team. The show is organized by Speech Sponsor, Michael Piccoli.
The main objective of a variety show is to show off talents. Piccoli has expressed how he thinks PGT can highlight all students at PHS,
“I think the best thing about PGT is it offers [the] kids that may not be traditionally represented in some of the homecoming activities an opportunity to shine and be a part of the prospect experience.” Piccoli said.
PGT also allows its participants to show off any talent they’d like. Senior and Speech Captain, Emily Caravello, appreciates how PGT is so versatile,
“It’s something you can do really easily.” Caravello said, “You have total creative freedom on it, and you can come up with whatever act you want to.”
Fortunately, students aren’t the only ones who can be a part of all that PGT has to offer. This will be the second year that Prospect staff will be included in the variety show. Piccoli partially credits the idea due to Prospects’ slogan of “Every Knight.”
“We changed our slogan here at school to, ‘Every Knight.’” Piccoli said. “So we kind of tried to think, ‘how can we really embody that Every Knight experience?’ One of the ways was that we were reaching [out to] staff to participate.”
This year, the show will feature two unique staff acts to add along to the 14 student acts that will be performed. Piccoli hopes that in the future there will be more staff involvement.
It’s safe to say that PGT is evolving into a variety show that will showcase more than just students, but instead, Every Knight.