2024-2025 Staff

Amanda Feinberg

Associate Editor-in-Chief
Peter Radosh

Managing Editor
Tessa Trylovich

Managing Editor
Stella Palm

Managing Editor/KTV Live Executive Producer
Ben Mitchell

Copy Editor
Jocelyn Farina
Copy Editor
Xander Adkins

KnightTV Executive Producer
Kenny Munao Jr.

KTV Live Associate Producer
Ryan Podgorny

KnightVoices Executive Producer
Amelia Maslowski

Editor-in-Chief of ProspectorNow
Claire Wynkoop

Associate Editor-in-Chief of ProspectorNow
Alyssa Kowols

Executive News Editor
Alice Kelsey

Executive In-Depth Editor
Meg Imherr

Executive Features Editor
Leanna Kewarkis

Executive Arts & Entertainment Editor/Executive Visual Editor
Sarah George

Executive Sports Editor
Matthew Pulver

Executive Editor of Layout & Design
Sienna DeMonte

News Reporter
Kainaat Siddiqui
News Reporter
Jane Nash

News Reporter
Gina Laslau

Features Reporter
Molly Mundt

Features Reporter
Kaia Mavradas

Arts & Entertainment Reporter
Sydney Strimling

Arts & Entertainment Reporter
Dylan Maye
Arts & Entertainment Reporter
Lucas DeLuca

Sports Reporter
Luke Robinson

KnightTV News/Features Director
Konstanty Romanowski

KnightTV Sports Director
Johnny Klasen
Columnist/Graphic Designer
Loren Bell

Social Media Director
Abby Damasky

Social Media Director/Sports Reporter