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'Mamma Mia' musical preview

‘Mamma Mia’ musical preview

Jocelyn Farina and Meg Imherr preview Prospect’s production ‘Mamma Mia’ the musical.
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About the Contributors
Jocelyn Farina
Jocelyn Farina, Copy Editor
Hello, my name is Jocelyn Farina and I'm a junior. This is my first year on the Knight Media staff, and I am super excited to be a Copy Editor. I participate in Prospect's cross-country and distance track teams. I especially love spending time outdoors in national parks, as I've been to 22 so far!
Meg Imherr
Meg Imherr, Executive In-Depth Editor
Hi! My name is Meg and i’m a junior. I am the Executive In-Depth Editor and this is my first year on KnightMedia. I am also involved in track and field, golf, and Knights’ Way at Prospect.
Kaia Mavradas
Kaia Mavradas, Features Reporter
Hi I'm Kaia and I am a features reporter. Outside of Knightmedia, I am involved in theater, speech, madrigals, and choir. Outside of PHS, I compete in a competitive tap dancing group and I like to hang out with friends.