By Carly Evans
Copy Editor
My mom’s boyfriend, Tony, always makes the best food. I guess it’s because he’s obsessed with the Food Network, but either way, I’m the benefactor. One thing he makes almost every weekend is guacamole. It sounds so simple, but it’s simply delicious. It’s even better than, dare I say it? Chipotle’s guac. So, to teach all of you guys out there how to make your own, better-than-Chipotle guac, I thought I would make a cooking blog.
Step One: Picking the avocado’s. It may seem like a simple task, but it’s a bit complex. See, you want to have one
that’s ripe enough to be used immediately. So, if the skin of the avocado is dark green, that’s a good sign. Upon squeezing the little buggar, it should be a tad tender, but in no way mushy. For this recipe, you will need four avocados.
Step Two: Slicing the ingredients. The most simple way to cut an avocado would be to first make about four cuts vertically and about three cuts horizontally, and then
dump the avocado, without the skin, into the bowl. IMPORTANT: Squeeze about half a lime onto the avocados so they don’t spoil. (i.e. turn brown). Slice an entire tomato and half a red onion.
Step Three: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and then continue to the seasoning.
Step Four: Add a quarter of a teaspoon of pepper, a half of a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of garlic powder. If you’re looking for a little more spice, you can add some Tabasco sauce, at that point, season to taste!
Step Five: Mix all the ingredients, which includes mashing the avocados. If you want more chunks, then be my guest, if you’re looking for a smoother guac, that’s your prerogative.
Step Six: The BEST chips for guacamole are “El Milagro’s” Mexican Kitchen Style chips.
Step Seven: Enjoy!
Cooking with Carly- Guacamole
March 2, 2012