By Shreya Thakkar
Executive Features Editor
Freshman Keilyn Howard was looking forward to voting for her first homecoming king and queen, but was surprised when she, like many others, didn’t receive the e-mail to vote.
“When I didn’t get the email ‘I thought, what other stuff did I miss?” Howard said.
According to Dean of Students Mark Taylor, who was in charge of sending out the mass email to the entire student body, there was a glitch in the system that caused many students, mainly underclassman, to not receive the e-mail.
However, according to student council sponsor, Lyn Scolaro, the number of votes she tabulated were in the 30 to 50 percent of the student body range, as they have always been the past couple years.
Scolaro was made aware of the glitch by four students, who came to her the week before coronation, telling her that they didn’t get the e-mail to vote.
Scolaro then informed Taylor of the problem, who then sent out another round of the mass email Thursday and Friday of last week, through which students like Howard finally got the ballot.
Still, many students never got the email, but Scolaro believes that ultimately, the voting process was fair.
“As kids told me about it, we went back to figure out what happened,” Scolaro said. “But, I guess if [voting] was that important to the kids, they would’ve e-mailed me, like the [four or five] kids that did.”
Students experience glitch with homecoming ballot
September 24, 2014