A step-by-step guide to the ProspectorNow app:


  1. If you have an iPhone, click this link here to download the app Student News Source:  If you have a different device, you can search Student News Source in your app store.
  2. After downloading and opening the app, you will see a screen with a search box reading “School Name”. Click the box, and search Prospect High School.
  3. On the next screen select ProspectorNow, which should be the only option.
  4. On the next screen, select whether or not you would like notifications when stories are posted (this can be changed later).
  5. Once on the home screen, navigate the app by selecting the three horizontal bars in the top right corner.
  6. More detailed push notification options can be found in settings.
  7. You are ready to go! Thank you for downloading the app.