Sophomore Evan Mantas zones in and throws a pitch to the Glenbrook South player at bat during the JV baseball game.

Focusing on the ball coming towards him, junior Kenny Munao gets ready to hit during the JV baseball game against Glenbrook South.
A Saturday morning in Prospect sports
On Saturday, April 20, a multitude of athletic matches and games filled the Prospect campus. Between the girls’ varsity soccer Joe Welk Invitational and the boys’ tennis Power 8 Knights Invitational, spectators were treated to a showcase of student athletes showing off their skills and sportsmanship.
April 21, 2024
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About the Contributor

Mollie Kearns, Editor-in-Chief
Hey! My name is Mollie Kearns and I’m a senior. This is my second year on the Knight Media staff, this year I am one of the Editors-in-Chief for the Prospector. I am also one of the Editors-in-Chief for the Crest Yearbook. Outside of the journalism program, you can find me at my weightlifting club, hanging out with family and friends, or wishing I was at one of the Disney Parks.