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The Student News Site of Prospect High School


The Student News Site of Prospect High School



October 3, 2012

By Katie Best Managing Editor Giraffes. Gnomes. Neon. Budweiser. Flamingos. Hearts. Stripes. What do all of these things (and many more) have in common? They all are part of my obsession: HIGH SOCKS. I...

The perfect pitch

October 3, 2012

By Katie Best Managing Editor| When I first saw the previews for “Pitch Perfect,” my initial thought was “oh great, another Glee movie.” But boy, was I wrong. “Pitch Perfect” centers around...


September 11, 2012

By Katie Best Managing Editor| Fall is on its’ way (although it doesn’t seem like it with this 90 degree weather), so in order for all you fashion hungry fiends to prepare, I am writing a post on what...

Taxi KAB fashions

April 18, 2012

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth editor I know I have a lot of fashion obsessions (i.e. Essie nailpolish, lace, vintage, florals, the color peach), but over spring break, I found a new love for my closet. In...

Taxi KAB fashions

March 26, 2012

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth Editor Hello Everyone! I must say, I am sorry I went MIA the last issue cycle, but no worries, I’m back! With all the nice weather we have been having as of late, spring...

Taxi KAB fashions

November 12, 2011

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth Editor Bill Cosby is probably one of the most famous comedians known to man. Okay, maybe not to man, but definitely to our parents’ generation. But this post isn’t...

PHS Octoberfest: Taxi KAB fashions

October 30, 2011

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth Editor Halloween is quite possibly my favorite time of year because of four things: the costumes, the candy, the weather and the parties. The costumes are cool, I can eat...

Taxi KAB fashions

October 10, 2011

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth Editor Alexander McQueen is the king of the fashion industry. His ideas are innovative, creative, and ultimately, other-worldly. They amaze, inspire, and make the jaws...

Taxi KAB fashions

September 7, 2011

By Katie Best Executive In-Depth Editor The softness of fabrics tickle fingertips, the bright lights showcase the vibrant colors around the store, the smell of linen fills nostrils while the rustle of...

50,000 words, 30 days – Nov. 16

November 18, 2010

Katie Best Opinion Editor Tuesday, November 16 As I was browsing the NaNoWriMo website (, I discovered I was able to give donations to the website. There are different classification levels...

50,000 words, 30 days – Nov. 15

November 18, 2010

Katie Best Opinion Editor Monday, Nov. 15 Since I am trying to figure out cool angles for each entry, today I talked to Creative Writing teacher Teri Buczinsky about NaNoWriMo. While she claimed not to...

50,000 words, 30 days – Nov. 14

November 18, 2010

Katie Best Opinion Editor Sunday, Nov. 14. 11:34 am. I am currently behind schedule by about 20,000 words. With my trusty partner, a cup of Starbucks coffee, and a heck of a lot of determination, I am...

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